Susan L. McNeil

Susan McNeil directs the Office for Lay Ministry, which serves as the liaison office for lay professional ministers/parish staff members in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Among her responsibilities, Susan recruits lay persons for professional ministry, and works in collaboration with local institutions of higher education in providing the theological, spiritual, human and pastoral formation needed for professional ministry. Additionally, Susan oversees the certification process for lay ministers, provides opportunities for leadership development and coaching, offers opportunities for continuing formation, assists pastors and parish directors in identifying candidates for ministerial positions, serves as a clearinghouse for ministerial opportunities, works with professional organizations and provides pastoral care and support to lay ministers. Susan has over 28 years of experience in parish ministry, diocesan ministry and healthcare ministry. She holds a Master of Divinity degree from St. Francis Seminary, and serves as adjunct faculty for several institutions of higher education. Away from the office, Susan is a "karate mom" who also enjoys traveling, cooking, reading and spending time with her family.
Susan L. McNeil
Lay Ministry/Synod Implementation
Director, Office of Lay Ministry and Director of Catholic Social Responsibility
3550 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235