Church On Mission: The Synod Calls Us Forward Videos (2021)
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Church On Mission: The Synod Calls Us Forward Videos (2021)

This event focused on the Mission that ignited the 2014 Archdiocesan Synod, the fruits that have come from the Synod, how we continue to be led by the Holy Spirit, and what Archbishop Listecki would like to accomplish in his final years as Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. 


2021 Church On a Mission Synod Anniversary | Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki, Keynote

2021 Church On a Mission Synod Anniversary | Fr. Kimani

2021 Church On a Mission Synod Anniversary | Gabriela Cabrera

2021 Church On a Mission Synod Anniversary | Brenda Cline

2021 Church On a Mission Synod Anniversary | Brad Berghouse

2021 Church On a Mission Synod Anniversary | Bishop Hying

2021 Church On a Mission Synod Anniversary | Trio

2021 Church On a Mission Synod Anniversary | Voices of Africa Choir



Susan L. McNeil, M.Div. 
Director, Department for Catholic Social Responsibility
Director, Office for Lay Ministry
Director, Synod Implementation


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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

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