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Frequently Asked Questions about AHG in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee

Does the Archdiocese of Milwaukee approve of American Heritage Girls?

Yes.  Parishes and Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee are permitted to charter American Heritage Girls troops.  AHG provides a suitable setting for Catholic girls and young women to develop skills, build character, and grow in their faith.

Read Archbishop Listecki's Letter of Support to American Heritage Girls.


Are there Archdiocesan requirements for adults who serve as leaders for AHG troops?

As with all volunteers who have contact with minors, AHG leaders must:

  • Be cleared through a state and national criminal background check before beginning their volunteer service and at least every five years thereafter.
  • Attend a Safe Environment Education session - training in sexual abuse awareness and prevention - before beginning their service.
  • Read and sign the "Mandatory Reporting Responsibilities" and the "Code of Ethical Standards for Church Leaders."


What about the AHG Statement of Faith?

The AHG Statement of Faith is an organizational statement that sets parameters for local charters and leadership.  While the Statement does not express the fullness of the Catholic faith, we can nonetheless affirm that our Catholic faith fulfills the expectations of American Heritage Girls as expressed in the Statement.  Therefore, Catholic parishes, schools, and individual troop leaders may affirm that the Statement of Faith applies to them.


Can American Heritage Girls earn any Catholic awards or medals?

Yes.  The AHG Catholic Faith Awards are available to Catholic girls and young women in AHG at each program level:

  • Deus et Familia Mea / God and My Family – Age 6-9, Tenderheart
  • Deus et Patria Mea / God and My Country – Age 9-12, Explorer
  • Deus et Civita Mea / God and My Community – Age 12-14, Pioneer
  • Femina Integritatis / Woman of Integrity – Age 14-18, Patriot


May a parish or school have both American Heritage Girls and Girl Scout troops?

Yes.  If there are enough girls interested, and as long as the parish or school follows the requirements of the respective organization, the parish or school may offer more than one kind of activity for girls.


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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3300
Toll-Free: (800) 769-9373
Fax:  (414)  769-3408