Supporting Schools and Parish Religious Education
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Supporting Schools and Parish Religious Education

Catholic schools and parish religious education programs transform our communities into centers of faith, hope, and charity by providing quality Catholic formation.

Supporting Catholic Schools and
Parish Religious Education

Supporting  and Religious EducationCatholic schools and parish religious education programs transform our communities into centers of faith, hope and charity by providing quality Catholic formation.

Ministries involved in serving Catholic formation:

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  Schools Ministries

The 102 Catholic elementary and high schools within the Archdiocese support the desire of Catholic families for sound faith formation and academic education for their children and youth, as well as the families of non-Catholic students who desire schools that serve the whole person spiritually, socially and academically.

Many schools in poorer areas of the Archdiocese depend upon critical guidance, support, and resources to continue their operations and keep their doors open to a significant number of families who are at or below the poverty level. Catholic schools transform our local and global communities into centers of faith, hope and charity by providing quality Catholic education to all people. They are committed to educational excellence, student diversity and the fostering of a Catholic culture of faith, service and personal responsibility.

School Ministry provides leadership in developing high quality Catholic learning communities in the 86 elementary and 16 high schools in the Archdiocese that serve over 28,000 students and their families. The Archdiocesan Office for Schools provides consultative, professional, and administrative assistance to these highly diverse Catholic schools in the areas of faith development, curriculum, school improvement, strategic planning, policies, governance, human resources, and student services.

The Office for Schools supports the efforts of principals, teachers, pastors, staff and parents in their mission to prepare students for lifelong success in all aspects of their lives. The Office collaborates with the five Catholic colleges and universities in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, the Milwaukee Area Principals’ Association (MAPA), the Saint Clare Center at Cardinal Stritch University, and many other groups, organizations, and individuals in its Catholic educational ministry.

Visit Schools Ministries

  Office of Catechesis

The Office of Catechesis provides training, guidance and resources for those who pass on the faith – catechists, Directors of Religious Education, parents, lay leaders and clergy. In doing so, the Office supports parish religious education programs that serve 20,000 children at the elementary level (pre-K to 8) and 9,500 teens at the high school level. There are approximately 3,600 catechists (religious education teachers) serving in these programs throughout the Archdiocese.

The Office of Catechesis provides professional development for Directors of Religious Education and oversees the formation and certification of volunteer catechists. The annual Catechetical Conference brings together several hundred catechetical leaders and parish volunteers for prayer, learning and networking. During the year, the regional Forming the Catechetical Spirit series provides in-depth training for catechists.

Visit the Office of Catechesis web page.

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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3300
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