Mary is essential to the divine plan. | May 7, 2024
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Mary is essential to the divine plan. | May 7, 2024

We might have others who are influential in our lives, but no one can claim the position that a good mother occupies. If you love Jesus, you will love His mother.

Archbishop Listecki

Most Reverend Jerome E. Listecki
Archbishop of Milwaukee


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

May is the month of Mary. Of course, it is the month that we honor “mother.” God’s wisdom gave us a mother who, through His Son, Jesus Christ, was established as Mother for all of us. She is for us the New Eve, as creation is restored through the redemptive sacrifice of her Son. 

From the earliest development of our faith life, Mary was there. Her figure is present in Nativity scenes, statues, paintings, icons and pictures, and of course through her prayer, the Hail Mary. You cannot go into a Catholic church or chapel anywhere on the globe and not see a figure of Mary present. She is essential to the divine plan in her obedience to God and, as are all mothers, she is responsible for the lives of her children.

Our Protestant brethren will often accuse us of making Mary a god. However, Catholics know the difference between adoration and veneration. But really, Mary holds a special place for all of us, as this is Jesus’ mother. 

I was always proud when someone would make mention of my own mother. Friends commented that they enjoyed her cooking, neighbors appreciated her charitable acts, and my father led the cheers for our self-sacrificing mama. We might have others who are influential in our lives, but no one can claim the position that a good mother occupies. If you love Jesus, you will love His mother.  

In grammar school, we often held processions in her honor. We had May crownings proclaiming her as our Queen, and together we would recite the Rosary, a prayer which like a mother offers confidence and peace. Mary has so many titles — which in and of itself speak of the appreciation her children have for her presence. 

A mother is often a source of unity. At a priest’s funeral during the commendation, I will intone the “Salve Regina” in Latin (Hail, Holy Queen). I introduce this as a tribute to our common Mother, Mary, for one of Mary’s titles is Queen of the Clergy. During the singing of the hymn, I feel a true sense of solidarity with the priests. They are my brothers who can be different in their views or approaches, but when we come together to pay tribute to Mary, our Mother, there is a sense that we are one.

As I begin my final months as Archbishop of Milwaukee, I am most proud of the statue of Mary Mother of the Church at the Pastoral Center. Her image is a reminder that we are one, as the Church founded by her Son to lead us to salvation. We are also under her protection; no one wants to get in the way of a mama bear protecting her cubs. 

I know that Mary will protect the faithful of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. The patron of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee is St. John the Evangelist; remember that Mary was given to St. John’s care, and St. John was given to Mary as his mother. 

This Sunday is Mother’s Day, and I can’t think of a more appropriate tribute than saying a Rosary to Mary in tribute to her. Accompany your own mother to a special Sunday Mass and show her your appreciation by receiving the Lord Jesus at Communion in her honor. If your mom has passed, then please say a special prayer to our Lord for her soul in thanksgiving for the life she shared (Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord). 

Through her obedience to God, Mary left her imprint on the entire Church. Let us be her obedient children and follow her Son’s command to LOVE ONE ANOTHER.


Most Reverend Jerome E. Listecki

Archbishop of Milwaukee          

Note: This blog originally appeared as the May 7, 2024, "Love One Another" email sent to Catholics throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee by Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki. If you are interested in signing up for these email messages, please click here.

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