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St. Bernadette Parish is a welcoming Catholic faith community, empowered by the Holy Spirit to help bring about the Kingdom of God, through worshiping in sacrament, teaching the Word, and serving as Jesus did.
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Our facilities are handicap accessible. Mass is also available via Zoom for those with underlying health conditions that preclude them from attending in person. Contact to be put on the e-mail list to receive the Zoom Mass login information each week.
We offer a Praise Mass the second full weekend of each month, excluding Advent and Lent. Our facilities are handicap accessible. Mass is also available via Zoom for those with underlying health conditions that preclude them from attending in person. Contact to be put on the e-mail list to receive the Zoom Mass login information each week.
First session at 5:00pm, second session 7:00pm, progressive bingo 7:00pm
Join us for a fabulous fish fry. You're welcome to dine in or take it to go. Our facilities are handicapped accessible.
All are invited to attend A Rock and Gospel Concert, performed by the Northwest Milwaukee Catholic Parishes choir in the St. Catherine of Alexandria church. Songs include Excerpts from Gospel Mass (Robert Ray), He Never Failed Me Yet (Robert Ray), The Creation-A Rock Cantata (David Bobrowitz & Steven Porter)