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On November 27, 2010, a team of 17 dentists, dental students and dental staff members from all over the United States embarked on a seven day dental mission with the goal of treating the underserved population in La Sagrada Familia (Holy Family).

Before he became Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Bishop Don Hying was "Padre Donaldo" to the people of La Sagrada Familia. Click this story to read the Catholic Herald's article about Bishop Hying's connection with our sister parish.

Being a part of the mission experience is wonderfully overwhelming! Singling out one significant image or impression is difficult. Upon reflection however, the image that touched my heart the deepest is one of family love and pride.

This slideshow features pictures and information from and about the Archdiocesan Sister Parish, La Sagrada Familia, in the Dominican Republic. It was prepared by Fr. Marti Colom, then pastor of the parish, for the 2013 La Sagrada Familia Open House Celebration.