Emmaus 90
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Emmaus 90

Inspired by the National Eucharistic Revival, Emmaus 90 is a 90-day journey for Catholics seeking to step closer to Jesus Christ.

English | Español


Walk together toward Jesus Christ


Emmaus 90 is a 90-day journey from New Years to Easter 2025 that brings you 
closer to Jesus Christ through prayer and formation. It’s a personal commitment to 
grow in holiness with the support of hundreds of fellow participants ("pilgrims") and the 
leadership of nationally-recognized educators.


Register by January 5 to receive printed materials by mail before January 20. 


Bulk Registration is open until January 6, 2025.

If I join, what do I get?

• Prompts for daily prayer with Scripture

• Printed Guidebook journal & prayer card

• Weekly guided formation sessions

• Discussion guide for your small group

• Challenges to grow in discipleship

• Community, discussion, Q&A and support

Emmaus 90 has all new content for 2025

Look Who's Talking for Emmaus 90

Meet the

Formators speak every Thursday night by livestream. (Recordings available)


Preview the

Preview a typical day and week as an
Emmaus 90 pilgrim.


Prepare for
the journey

Watch our introduction videos or attend a Zoom info session.




An adventure in discipleship

Host of Emmaus 90,
Office of Evangelization
Associate Director, Margaret 
, shares the what, why,
and heart of Emmaus 90.


How do I find my "pilgrim group?"

What if I miss a session?

What if I did Emmaus 90 last year?

Emmaus 90 FAQs

Who is Emmaus 90 for?

• Individuals hungry to know Jesus more or for a new spiritual challenge

• Groups of friends or family seeking spiritual growth together

• Parish small groups or formation classes

• All Catholics seeking accountability and community

• Pilgrims who did Emmaus 90 last year, and want to keep growing

• Disciples who want to accompany others into deeper faith

• Seekers wanting to learn more about the Catholic faith



Get the Guidebook in time for Christmas when you register by December 10

(get it by January 15 when you register by January 6)

Join Emmaus 90 for just $20/per person or $40/family
(family registrants receive a printed Family Guide)



Emmaus 90 is available in English, Spanish, and American Sign Language





Email us anytime: emmaus90@archmil.org


Frequently Asked Questions

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  What is Emmaus 90?
  • Inspired by the National Eucharistic Revival, Emmaus 90 is a 90-day journey from New Years to Easter that brings you closer to Jesus Christ through prayer and formation. It’s a personal commitment to grow in holiness with the support of hundreds of fellow participants ("pilgrims") and the leadership of nationally-recognized educators. Emmaus 90 "pilgrims" are given daily prayer prompts for each of the 90 days before Easter, challenging practices to grow in holiness, and weekly formation livestream videos (30-40 minutes long) on the beauty of our Catholic faith to discuss with a small group of fellow pilgrims (by livestream at 7pm on Thursdays or its recording for those who can't join us on Thursdays), and registration includes a Guidebook journal for your journey.
  • This 90-day journey is to help you grow closer to Jesus, especially in the Eucharist, and to prepare you to live as a “Eucharistic Missionary” sent out to accompany others in your family, workplace, parish, and neighborhood.
  Why is the Archdiocese offering Emmaus 90? Why would I want to do Emmaus 90?
  • Emmaus 90 will help you and all who participate to deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist through daily prayer with Scripture and other practices to help you grow. It can also help deepen your relationship with your parish community and your small group or family journeying with you.
  • Inspired by the National Eucharistic Revival, the Archdiocesan Office of Evangelization and Catechesis is offering Emmaus 90 to help Catholics enkindle a deeper lived relationship with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist and answer our bishops' call to go out on mission as Eucharistic Missionaries accompanying others. Emmaus 90 gives you concrete skills, encouragement, and a clear path to go out on mission in this third year of the National Eucharistic Revival, and this Jubilee Year of Hope.
  I did Emmaus 90 last year, is this just a repeat of what we did last year?


Emmaus 90 is new for 2025. The Guidebook has all new Scriptures for daily prayer, new Formation Session Topics, and new Speakers (including some of your favorite speakers from last year but speaking on new topics). 

If you found Emmaus 90 fruitful last year, we encourage you to ask the Lord who would benefit from Emmaus 90 and invite them to join you this year.

  How much does it cost?
  • $20.00 Per “Pilgrim” (includes one hardcopy Guidebook)


  • $40.00 Per “Family” (includes hardcopy family guide and two hardcopy Guidebooks; additional guidebooks for older children who would use the daily journaling pages contained in the Guidebook can be purchased for $20.00 each).
  How do I order bulk guidebooks for my parish?

This year, there is a parish bulk registration option. Please review the order form here for more information.

  What is the Emmaus 90 Christmas Edition and how do I get one?

The Emmaus 90 Christmas Edition is a "taste" of the full Emmaus 90 Journey. It is a shortened Guidebook containing journal pages for daily prayer with Scripture from December 25 - January 19. (January 20 begins the 90-day countdown to Easter in the Emmaus 90 Guidebook.)

If you register for Emmaus 90 by December 10, you will receive a printed copy of the Christmas Edition automatically with your Emmaus 90 Guidebook in the mail at the address you provide when you register. (This means that every Emmaus 90 Registration includes a copy of the Christmas Edition. For example, if you register as a family, you will receive 2 Guidebooks and 2 Christmas Editions.)

Some parishes are ordering Emmaus 90 Christmas Editions for $2 each to give out as gifts at Christmas Masses. If interested in ordering Emmaus 90 Christmas Editions for your parish, see Emmaus 90 Bulk Orders.

Get a preview of the Emmaus 90 Christmas Edition here.

  When does the Emmaus 90 program begin and end?

  • New Years Day 2025 – Easter Thursday 2025 (January 1 - April 24)

  • Formation Sessions are live streamed every Thursday evening and recordings will be available for those who cannot participate live. There will be a pre-recorded bonus Session available for December 26 - to welcome those who received the Christmas Edition at Christmas Masses.

  • There are also Preparations Sessions available now.

  How & when will I receive the hardcopy Emmaus 90 Guidebook?

  • For those who register by December 10, your printed copy of the Emmaus 90 Guidebook will be mailed to the address you provide when you registered and will arrive before Christmas.

  • If you register after December 10, we cannot guarantee that you will receive a printed version of the Guidebook by Christmas, but you will receive an electronic copy upon registering. Thank you for understanding!

  • If you register between December 10 and January 5, your printed copy of the Emmaus 90 Guidebook will be mailed to the address you provided when you registered and will arrive before January 20.

  • If you register after January 5, we cannot guarantee that you will receive a printed version of the Guidebook, but you will receive an electronic copy upon registering. (It will depend on whether we are out of printed copies.) Thank you for understanding!

  I hear Emmaus 90 is for small groups. How do I get into a small group?

  • We strongly encourage you to find a “Pilgrim Group” of 2-3 friends, family, or fellow parishioners to journey through Emmaus 90 with you. 

  • Some men’s groups, women’s groups, and Bible Studies, choose to do Emmaus 90 together. We LOVE this! We encourage bigger groups to break into smaller groups of 3-4 people for the discussion each week–even if you gather together as a larger group for the formation sessions.

  • Here are some ideas for connecting with a group:

    • Ask God to help you think of who in your life you would like to encourage to grow in their faith OR who would encourage you to grow in your faith. Ask God to open the door for you to have a conversation with and invite them to join you.

    • Some parishes are hosting weekly “watch parties” for the Formation Sessions. Check with your parish to see if they are hosting a watch party with others you could join, or if your parish leaders know of anyone else in your community who may want to join your pilgrim group.

    • Meet someone you’ve seen at Mass and ask them if they are interested in joining you on this 90 day journey.

  Do I have to have a small group to participate in Emmaus 90?

While we strongly encourage you to get a Pilgrim group of 2-3 people to take the Emmaus 90 journey with you, you can participate as an individual if you do not have a group. If you participate as an individual without a pilgrim group, we encourage you to journal your responses to the small group discussion questions and talk with someone about your experience each week.

  What do Emmaus 90 small groups (Pilgrim Groups) look like? How can I start one?

  • The time and location of your small group will look different for everyone. We recommend that each small group discuss when & where they would like to meet (in person or virtually), and if they want to watch the Formation Sessions together each week or watch the session on their own and simply meet to discuss it.

  • Discussion questions are provided and members are encouraged to share authentically to the level of their comfort. 

  • Learn more by watching one of our “Emmaus 90 training sessions” either on one of the zoom dates or watch the recordings available on our Preparing for Emmaus 90 Page

  • A typical Pilgrim Group will either meet for ~60 minutes if you watch the Formation Sessions on your own OR ~90 minutes if you watch the Formation Sessions together and discuss.

  I plan to be an Emmaus 90 small group leader, what resources are available to help prepare me to lead a group?

Sign up for a training session hosted via zoom. Get More Info and Register for an Emmaus 90 Info Session or Training Here. Trainings are free and not required. Registration is Required to receive the Zoom link. Recordings will be available on our Preparing for Emmaus 90 Page

  When should our Pilgrim Group start meeting?

Some pilgrim groups choose to get together at least once prior to January 1 to get to know each other and prepare for Emmaus 90. Consider watching one of our Preparing for Emmaus 90 Videos together and discussing.

Many pilgrim groups will begin meeting the first Thursday after New Years Day - which is our first livestreamed Formation Session.

Some groups begin meeting the week of January 20--the start of the actual 90 day count down to Easter in 2025. 

We encourage you/your parish to do what works best for your circumstances.

  What is the "Family Guide" for Emmaus 90?

The Emmaus 90 Family Guide is a short booklet that helps parents understand how to adapt Emmaus 90 practices & pilgrim group discussions for their family. For families with children, it helps them understand how to adapt Emmaus 90 practices and formation to their children's developmental ages and stages. Those who register for Emmaus 90 as a Family will receive a printed copy with their order. The Family Guide PDF is available to all who register for Emmaus 90 through the Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Page that you will receive when you register.

  How do I access the Weekly livestreamed formation sessions each Thursday evening or their recordings?

  • When you register, you will receive an email confirmation containing a link to our Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Website, where you will find the livestream links.

  • The Pilgrim Website will also contain a link to past weeks’ formation session recordings if you missed the livestream.

  • The Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Website is available only to those who register for Emmaus 90. It is listed in your Guidebooks and emailed to all who register for Emmaus 90.

  Who are the speakers for each Thursday Night for the program?

We’re working to confirm all of our Formation Speakers and are posting speakers as they are confirmed on our Formation Sessions Page. Check back often. 

Check out last year's line up for examples of what you can expect this year!

  I am from outside the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, can I still participate?

Yes, you can! All can participate in Emmaus 90 from wherever you are. Please select "I am not from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee" when you register.

For bulk orders, if you are ordering from outsite the Archdiocese and are unable to pick the guidebooks up in December, please contact our office about shipping options and charges. 

  Can I still register after the registration deadline?

You can still register and participate. Just know that we cannot guarantee that you will receive a printed copy of the Guidebook if you register after January 5. Everyone who registers will receive an electronic version of the Guidebook.

  What is the refund and cancellation policy?

Refunds of your $20 registration minus the credit card processing fee can be given if you cancel your registration by December 10. Please email our team for registration help emmaus90@archmil.org.

  Are there resources for me to share Emmaus 90 at my parish?
  Why host a watch party at my parish?

Isn't the journey better together? Here are some common blessings parishes who have hosted watch parties have shared:

  • build community at your parish

  • help people who struggle with using the internet, zoom, Flocknote, or YouTube to participate

  • help parishioners and friends to connect with a small "pilgrim" group to meet weekly for their Emmaus 90 journey

  • get to know your parishioners who are growing in discipleship through Emmaus 90 and help them discern their next steps and their place in your parish's mission.

  How do I sign up to host a watch party?

Register your watch party here. 

  How do I find a watch party?

Check out this Parish Watch Party List. This list contains only the information about watch parties that hosting parishes have chosen to share with us, but we know we have many more parishes participating in Emmaus 90. Ask at your parish if you have a watch party, or start one!

  Who can I contact with questions about Emmaus 90?

Contact our team at emmaus90@archmil.org

  How do I learn more about the National Eucharistic Revival and what is offered for the revival in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee?

  • Our world is hurting. We all need healing, yet many of us are separated from the very source of our strength. Jesus Christ invites us to return to the source and summit of our faith in the celebration of the Eucharist. The Archdiocese of Milwaukee is joining bishops, dioceses, parishes, and apostolates from across the United States in a moment of National Eucharistic Revival, which intends for all Catholics to be healed, converted, formed, and unified by an encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist — and sent out in mission “for the life of the world.” Emmaus90 is a 90-day journey for Catholics seeking closer relationship with Jesus Christ, especially in the Eucharist. Find out more about our local Eucharistic Revival plans in the archdiocese here

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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

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St. Francis, WI 53235

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