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Find a Catholic School
With more than 100 schools throughout southeast Wisconsin, Catholic schools provide faith-based education with high academic standards.

Our schools partner with parents, ensuring that what’s being taught is in line with our Catholic values.

From Pre-K through high school, your child will enjoy greater learning outcomes, personal attention and character development in a nurturing environment.

Parents, students and alumni agree – Catholic schools prepare students for life!

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Coaching resources, clinics and tournament information.

Catholic Schools Walk

Help your local Catholic school reach their fundraising goal!

Catholic Scouts

Religious emblems, activities, awards and training.

Curriculum Guides for Parents

Our Grade Specific Catholic Education Curriculum identifies key or core religious education concepts for each grade level.

Discovery Project for Gifted Students

Discovery Project courses combine online instruction and face-to-face workshops for Archdiocesan students in grades 7 and 8 who are academically gifted.

Exemplary Recognition Program

The Exemplary Recognition program honors schools that have demonstrated innovation and outstanding results.

For Educators

This section of the site is dedicated to principals, teachers and other education professionals throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.

Parish Religious Education

Find faith formation programs, sacramental preparation classes, and other opportunities for families.

Seton Catholic Schools

Seton Catholic Schools is a collaborative network of Milwaukee Archdiocesan Catholic elementary schools providing the highest caliber academic and spiritual formation for all students.

Siena Catholic Schools

Siena Catholic Schools of Racine unites the area’s five Catholic elementary schools (John Paul II Academy, Our Lady of Grace Academy, St. Joseph, St. Lucy, St. Rita) and one middle/high school (St. Catherine) in a regional model of Catholic education intended to preserve the individual identity, history and uniqueness of each school while maximizing the impact of collective strength.


Loving One Another Through Catholic Social Responsibility

We have developed a Catholic Social Responsibility Guidebook for all of the Catholic schools in our 10-county Archdiocese in southeastern Wisconsin.This Catholic Social Responsibility framework helps students navigate issues they may encounter academically, socially, and spiritually as they grow into adults who are mature in their faith and productive citizens in society. | Read More


Are you an educator?

Visit for principal and teacher resources!

Your gift does God's work.

Your participation supports a wide range of ministries and programs that benefit more than 500,000 people each year.

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Catholic Stewardship Appeal.
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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3300
Toll-Free: (800) 769-9373
Fax:  (414)  769-3408