Saint Francis de Sales Seminaryforms the hearts, minds and souls of men called by Jesus Christ to serve the People of God in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.
Saint Francis de Sales Seminary, founded in 1845 and located in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, forms the hearts, minds and souls of men called by Jesus Christ to serve God's people as priests in the Roman Catholic Church. This provincial seminary forms priests for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, the other dioceses of Wisconsin, and beyond. The formation integrates the human, pastoral, spiritual and intellectual dimensions of the Program of Priestly Formation. In a particular way, Saint Francis de Sales Seminary is committed to Safe Environment Education, and to forming priests who are dedicated to safeguarding all of God’s children. This training for our priests is a grave responsibility – a responsibility that we accept with the utmost seriousness and urgency. Our efforts contribute to the ongoing work of the Church in the Unites States to carry out the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.
The entire formation program at Saint Francis de Sales Seminary serves this task. The following processes and sessions are some specific ways that we seek to fulfill our duty to form men who are equipped and devoted to protect children and young people.
The vetting and admissions process, especially the psychological exam, ensure that the men who are accepted have, among other criteria, the necessary psychological well-being and healthy sexual integration which are foundations for freely and joyfully embracing a life of chaste celibacy.
Formation sessions, formation advising, spiritual direction, and counseling (if necessary) all seek, as a goal, to form each seminarian into a man of communion – a man capable of entering into deep and healthy relationships with God and others, and thus able to serve as a spiritual father. A man of communion must exhibit the following human qualities:
Formation sessions, academic classes, workshops, formation advising, spiritual direction, and counseling (if necessary) provide men with a comprehensive training in human sexuality and celibacy. Seminarians receive formation in:
Seminarians also receive specific Safe Environment training and education:
For more information, please view our Seminary Formation Catalog.
3501 South Lake Drive St. Francis, WI 53235