Jubilee Year of Mercy December 8, 2015 - November 20, 2016
To view Archbishop Listecki's Mercy Pilgrimage Schedule, please click here.
Reflect on who around you is misinformed or confused about the faith and lovingly share with them your zeal for Jesus and his Church.
Pray outside an Abortion Clinic
Attend All Saints and All Souls Day Masses and pray that Christ will be the Universal King in the hearts of all the living and the dead
Catholic Relief Services www.crs.org Dismas Ministry www.dismasministry.org Project Return www.projectreturnmilwaukee.org Global Partners/Running Waters www.globalpartnersrunningwaters.org Office for World Mission Water Project www.archmil.org/parishes/Sagrada-Familia.htm Catholic Charities www.ccmke.org Society of St. Vincent de Paul www.svdpusa.org
Rich Harter Director 414-758-2215 harterr@archmil.org
Rosalita Villa Administrative Assistant 414-758-2217 villar@archmil.org
3501 South Lake Drive St. Francis, WI 53235